Church Sound Systems
P.A. Systems Recording Visuals Helpdesk Downloads Site Info

Welcome to Church Sound Systems. We began to publish information on this site in May 2006. It is be a free resource aimed mainly at churches, although the technical advice will be useful to anyone interested in providing high quality sound sytems, and working in related areas, such as recording, or audio visuals.

From small meeting halls to large cathedrals, churches of all shapes, sizes, and denominations, are increasingly making use of Public Address systems. This site is for those who wish to choose or use P.A. systems, and covers everything from the most basic concepts, through to recommendations on how to best configure equipment. It is designed to have at least a little for everyone - from the committee member wishing to improve the sound in the church, to the musician wanting to get the best sound for a praise band - not forgetting a host of others in between, including P.A. operators, and those who will occasionally wear a radio mic. when giving a children's address.

It is a "work in progress" - rather than wait until we had all of the material ready, we began to publish it as it became available - so if you don't find what you're looking for now, please come back for another look - we may have added it! Better still, why not eMail us and ask for a section on whatever you're most interested in.